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How to Fix QuickBooks Company File Error 6000 80?


QuickBooks error code 6000 80 is usually seen when opening or creating a company file in QuickBooks desktop. The user might receive different type of errors in different cases of the company file corruption. This error is seen with an error message stating “Error 6000 80: QuickBooks has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.” This error can be seen when a remote user logs in “in single user mode”. As a consequence of such an error, the user might not be able to access the software and the whole flow of the business would get disturbed. The user can encounter such an error when installing the program, while related software program is running in the background, during windows opening or windows shutdown, or even during the installation of the windows software package.

Tackling such an QuickBooks error code 6000, 80 becomes easy with the help of certain set of steps, which we have discussed later in this post. However, if you have any query, then give us a call right away and let our experts resolve the issue on your behalf.


Why QuickBooks error code 6000 80 happens?

The user might face QuickBooks error code 6000 80, due to the following reasons:

·       Any kind of damage to the company files

·       Or if the user is trying to convert a file to a company file over a network rather than on a local hard disk

·       Also, if the QuickBooks software is unable to communicate with the server

·       Moreover, in case there is any sort of data damage in the company file, then such an error might appear

·       Such an error might happen if multiple computers are configured as host or the QuickBooks data file


Steps to get rid of the QuickBooks error code 6000 80

One can try fixing the QuickBooks error code 6000 80, by simply copying the file to the local drive. The steps involved in this process are as follows:

·       To start with, the user should look for and copy the backup file taken just a day before of the error occurred to the local drive

·       After that, restore the backup to the local drive in a folder

·       Once done with that, the user needs to open and verify the company file to update it

·       Moving ahead, the user should copy the file to the original file path and overwrite the existing one or copy it in somewhere.

·       The last step is to try opening the file again and see if that opens without the error


With this, we come to end of this post, where we expect that reading this post might have helped in fixing the QuickBooks error 6000 80.

However, if there is any query or in case you need any assistance, then do not hesitate in ringing up to us at our toll-free QuickBooks enterprise customer support number i.e. 1-800-761-1787. Our team will ensure to provide you with immediate technical support.


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