QuickBooks error 15240 is seen with an error message “Error 15240: The payroll update did not complete successfully.” Such an error is seen when updating QuickBooks desktop or downloading a payroll update. This kind of error can be seen due to misconfiguration of the internet explorer security settings, firewall settings, or system date and time settings. If you are also facing such an error, then reading this post carefully till the end would work.
In this post, we will be talking about the causes and fixes to the QuickBooks error 15240. However, if you have any query or you want our assistance, then do not hesitate in giving us a call at any point of time. Our team will ensure to provide the best possible support services immediately.
Two basic causes of QuickBooks update error 15240
The two main factors leading to QuickBooks update error 15240 are as follows:
In case the file specified cannot be opened. The user needs to ensure that it is not being used by another program
Also, if there is an internet connection error
Or the user has logged in as a windows admin or you are not running the application as an admin
Quick solution to fix QuickBooks update error 15240
Getting rid of QuickBooks update error 15240 becomes easy by adding windows permissions to QuickBooks installation folders. The steps involved in here are as follows:

To begin with, the user needs to close QuickBooks desktop
And then, move to the C:\Program Files\. For 64-bit users, C:\Program Files
Once done with that, right click the Intuit folder and choose properties tab
Also, move to the security tab and select advanced
The user needs to ensure that the owner of the folder is the user group. If not, then the user needs to take the ownership of the Intuit folder. This can be done as follows:
At first, the user needs to select change beside the owner name on the advanced security settings window
After that, the user is required to type users in the enter the object name to select field and then choose check names
The next step is to select ok tab
And also mark replace owner on sub containers and objects
Moreover, the user needs to choose apply and hit ok tab
Also, select users on the permissions window and then click on full control
After that, choose apply and hit OK tab
Once these steps are followed, the user is recommended to try downloading the updates. In case the error appears, the user needs to repeat the steps for the following folders:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intuit
(64-bit users) C:\Program Files(x86) \Common Files\Intuit
C:\Users\Your User Name\ AppData\Local\Intuit
Getting rid of QuickBooks error code 15240 doesn’t involve any rocket science, all it requires is following the above stated steps.
However, if the error persists even after implementing the required steps, then in that case, it is recommended to get in touch with our QuickBooks payroll customer support team of professionals and let them handle the situation. Just make a call at 1-800-761-1787, and our experts will be there to help you immediately.
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